Informacje o zabiegu
Conchoplasty is a surgical procedure consisting in reducing the size of nasal turbinate. The lower nasal turbinate is an even structure located in the nasal cavity. Its hypertrophy can lead to recurrent infections, chronic rhinitis, difficulties in breathing through the nose, loss of smell on one or both sides. Conchoplasty is performed using different methods. The most popular method is radiophthalic surgery. It consists in inserting into the nasal turbinate of device, which emits strictly defined wavelengths. This leads to coagulation of certain fragments of turbinate. Another method used in conchoplasty is the use of a harmonic knife. This is the first-class, modern device that ensures precision of movement and reduces bleeding during the procedure. The effect of reducing turbinate occurs only after about 14 days. Postoperative complications include transient swelling of the nasal mucous membrane, which is the result of tissue reaction to surgery. During the procedure, the patient is under local anaesthesia. Inserting the tool is completely painless. The whole procedure takes about 20 minutes. After treatment, the patient can return home on the same day.
- recurring upper respiratory tract infections
- chronic rhinitis
- difficulty breathing through the nose
- loss of smell on one- or double-sided
Przeciwwskazania do zabiegu
- lack of the patient’s consent
- taking blood thinners
- severe hemorrhagic diathesis
- bad general health status of patients
- active respiratory tract infection
- diseases preventing the use of anesthesia
- allergy to anaesthetic drugs
Przebieg zabiegu
Conchoplasty is performed using different methods. The most popular method is radiophthalic surgery. It consists in inserting into the nasal turbinate of device, which emits strictly defined wavelengths. This leads to coagulation of certain fragments of turbinate. Another method used in conchoplasty is the use of a harmonic knife. This is the first-class, modern device that ensures precision of movement and reduces bleeding during the procedure. During the procedure, the patient is under local anaesthesia. Inserting the tool is completely painless. The whole procedure takes about 20 minutes.
3300 PLN
Korzyści z zabiegu
- significant improvement in the respiration, easy breath
- improvement in the sense of smell
- subsidence of recurrent infections
Zalecenia po zabiegu
- rest
- reduce physical effort
- ensure that the nasal cavity is properly moistened (use sea salt preparations)
- while sneezing open your mouth to minimize the pressure in nasal cavity
- in case of excessive bleeding, cool the nose and paranasal sinuses using cold compresses
- helpful are also preparations of oxymatazolin, which shrinks blood vessels