Ocena: 5.0/5.0

Informacje o zabiegu

Fat is usually taken from the central part of thigh, from the suprapubic area or from other part of the body, where excess fat is present. Due to the fact that procedure uses the patient’s tissue, there is no risk of allergic reaction or rejection of the transplant by body. After the treatment, haematomas, wound festering or temporary unevenness of the area undergoing surgery may appear.

In the case of plastic surgery procedures performed for other reasons than those aimed at preserving, saving, regaining and improving the patient’s health, 23% VAT should be added to the prices.


  • reduction in wrinkles
  • falling skin
  • collapsed cheeks
  • facial asymmetry

Przeciwwskazania do zabiegu

  • pregnancy
  • heart diseases
  • uncontrolled diabetes
  • coagulation disorders
  • untreated hypertension
  • inflammatory conditions
  • tumors

Przebieg zabiegu

The procedure is performed under local anaesthesia. In the initial phase of procedure, a shrinking agent is administered to the blood vessels in order to keep bleeding as low as possible after the procedure. Then, fat is extracted from the syringes with cannulas. Once fat cells have been treated appropriately, they are transplanted into the area that needs to be corrected.

Przeszczep tkanki tłuszczowej na twarz


From 5000 PLN

Korzyści z zabiegu

  • improved well-being
  • increased self-assessment
  • increased self-esteem
  • significant improvement in the appearance

Zalecenia po zabiegu

  • avoidance of intense physical effort
  • compliance to doctor’s recommendations

Lekarze wykonujący zabieg